Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Can't sleep again. That darn bolero Jacket is giving me nightmares! And to think it was a simple pattern! It probably is and I am slowly loosing my mind! I may finish it just to burn the darn thing!!!! In the meantime it is on the back burner. Not the smartest idea since you can ignite the back burner with one swift turn of a knob! Oh, well.
Mostly I am thinking of Ashley and how grateful I am there are angels put into her path to help and guide her. For the members who are helping her as well as the Elders in her district who go out of their way to assist when the Sisters are in a jam. My mom says the Elders take the sisters under their wings and protect them and I am grateful for that. Ashley says she has never seen that kind of charity and goodness from any Elders before. Awesome but kind of sad too. Food for thought when Zach gets up there.
I am also grateful for my other kids who keep me busy with homework, tall tales of daring do (scary, looking over my shoulder, hoping no one else sees and calls the police kind of daring dos), nerf gun battles that are quite amusing, homework nightmares that only teachers and Principals can dream of, shopping sprees where spending $1.50 is pure enjoyment! And for getting into the van only to jump out of my seat as I turn it on and am welcomed by loud, bass beating music that literally takes a few years off my life! And did I mention homework? I think I shall give myself the 'Most Creative Way to Get your Kid to Actually Do His Homework' award. But then your kid would actually have to do his homework in order to get that prestigious award. So, never mind.
But they make me smile and want to do it all over again the next day!
While I am at it, I am grateful for my husband who does put up with me and my odd ways. He would do anything for me, except maybe mow the lawn, but anything else I ask for he is there!
Now I think I am going to try to sleep a little more before the battle for piano practice begins and I need my strength to fight that fight! It's just as bad as homework!

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