Sunday, August 31, 2014

Happy 18th, Britt!

It is 12:30 and we just got back from Denny's. There is nothing more fun than hitting the restaurant at midnight trying to get a special dinner in before Sunday arrives only to miss it by 30 minutes and still break the Sabbath. Oh well! Maybe I will get points for trying! Anyway, a great way to start off the day! The day my beautiful daughter turned 18! She has been a blessing to me these many years. I remember struggling with her allergies, wishing people could see past her rashes and eczema to see the beautiful girl she was. And she grew up just as I hoped, even better!
Happy Birthday my sweet Itty Bitty Britt, who is not Itty Bitty anymore! I love you so much and look forward to this new stage in your life! But remember how old you get, don't forget to stay young. Always, always be a kid at heart! You make me laugh, cry, and laugh again. Please don't ever change!!!

On a side note, she had white roses and a birthday card waiting on Ashley's swing when we got home! From anonymous!

flowers from a secret admirer

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Laura's Joey Stories!

I am going to repost an old post because I wanted to show you the artwork my niece did for it! It is the last picture I have for my blog book and it is perfect for what I needed! Thanks Laura! I love it!

The missionaries in Debbie's ward spoke after the baptism about the Atonement and Jesus Christ. I thought that was so appropriate considering it was the theme for Primary and it was a baptism, a beginning of Briley's covenants with Heavenly Father.
When one missionary spoke, it caught my attention, mostly because of the accent. He was Australian!
We met up with these young men after and found out he was from Melbourne. Joey was so excited! He still insists that he is going there when he grows up.
Except he has decided he wants to go to Sydney, because that is where Britt's friend is from. And that the missionaries ride kangaroos instead of riding bikes.
 (The missionary insisted!)

But the cool part is that they get to ride Emus in the outskirts of town because they run faster. Joey is not sure he wants to ever ride an Emu!
(The missionary had poor Joey going! I hope he won't be too disappointed when he realizes the truth! )


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Travis and I donated blood on Saturday and we met some very nice missionaries.
I had sat down in their uncomfortable chairs and said hi to the young missionary to my right while they inserted the needle. He is from Massachusetts but originally from Puerto Rico. He is serving in a Spanish ward that is not in our stake. He heard our stake had set this up and talked his companion, who had never donated before, to come and help serve in this capacity.
As we were talking about New York of all places, he shared with me the fact that his only brother has special needs and he was the only missionary from their family that will be going out to serve. He then related a story about how his mother has been blessed because of him serving a mission. And she wants to enjoy these two years because she will never have them again. This got me thinking. Have I really started to enjoy this time with Ashley away swerving the Lord? No, I have missed her, counted down the months and weeks till she comes home, and waited impatiently for Mondays to roll around so I can chat with her.
This sweet young man, who happens to be going home August 2015, lol, reminded me that this is a special time for us as well. Not only do we have the opportunity to watch our daughter grow and become a better person, but we get to enjoy the Spirit that resides with us while having a missionary out. I need to appreciate that more. I need to enjoy it more as well! That way I can become a better person myself! And I really appreciate this young man for reminding me of this! And when my sweet Ashley comes home, he will be doing the same thing, and he will be right where he belongs! 
We also had a chance to visit with Elaine Ashcroft, who is going to the Philippines, Manila Temple mission and she is so excited! Her and her husband had planned on going on a mission and then he passed away. She has been saving up and now is going to live that dream the two of them had so long ago. I am so excited for her! She will be gone for 23 months but will have a great time! She has to report to the Salt Lake Temple for training. How cool would that be? Downtown Salt Lake is one of my favorite places in the world! So many church sites and memories!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Special speakers in Sacrament!

Something happened to our missionary speaker yesterday during church. I am not sure what it was. But there was an empty part in the program. The bishop asked President Millett, who was visiting our ward (lol) if he wanted to say something. He said no but to call some people from the congregation to speak. He told the Bishop who he wanted. We sat their at the edge of our seats wondering who it was going to be. Bro Crockett, who was conducting, was looking at his wife so I assumed that she would share her testimony since she was just put in as Stake Young Women's President. But no, he had other ideas. He asked me and Sister Root to talk about our daughter's experiences as missionaries. And then he shared some of Kaitlyn's experiences while we had less than 5 minutes to prepare.

Well, I have a hard time talking about Ashley. I usually give the basic 'she's doing well and she's happy' and leave it at that because if you get me talking too much I tend to blubber on. I can't talk about her without crying.
So, after a good cry before heading up to the stand, I went up there and did my best. How do you share with the congregation how you feel about your child and her sacrificing her time, your time, and a chunk of her life to serve the Lord in this most amazing way in 5 minutes? I don't know how I did it. Thank goodness I had my phone so I could pull up an old letter and share some of her insight. And thank goodness the Lord helped me through this. I even think I talked slow enough for people to understand! Amazing, I know!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

useless random Sunday fact #1

 Apparently we need to frisk Joey before going to church. Every week it is something. This week it was handcuffs. Not sure what he was planning to do with those.
And a side note, he is the Bishops messenger this week!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Throwback Thursday - Ronny's video

Years ago, in 1982, my mom's cousin made a video of one of our many family reunions. Luckily, this one was held at my grandpa's house in Holladay, Utah.  I was converting it to MPEG to put on Facebook for my mom's cousins and it got me thinking about the influence this house had on my childhood.
Wayne Shaw lived on a 3/4 acre lot that was on the slope of a hill. He built the house himself and it was a pretty cool house, I must say!
He had many trees and fruit bushes I would eat my way out of. He was not very happy about that! He was a strong believer in eating fruit out of a bowl and not off the vine.
The front part of his back yard was perfect for playing croquet. Behind that was  a tree house with bushes that divided the back part of the yard. And there he had a tree swing! The best ever!
 And off to the side of the tree swing and at the edge of the yard was the amazing Shaw roller coaster! WE would spend hours upon hours going down that thing! If we got hurt, no one said a thing because it might get put away. And, at the very back of the property there was an incline up to the back fence and if we were feeling adventurous, we could climb the wooden ladder built into the ground and go for a hike.
(Hey, we were kids! It was a small hike but a great place to let your imagination take over!)
There was a patio above the garage at the side of the house where many parties were held, one being the birthday party.
 And there was a little play house just off the patio for all the little ones to play in. It was only 4 feet tall inside and the adults had to bend down to get in. There were little tables and chairs and toy boxes built under the picture window that was full of old clothes, hats, and shoes for little girls to play dress up. There was even a cowboy hat and some boots for the boys! And if you looked out the picture window you could watch the roller coaster pass!
Sometimes I miss that old house! We had so much fun in that yard. But the best part had nothing to do with the house or yard. It was Grandma!

Grandmas are the best!
 Every Sunday and sometimes during the week we would all cram into the old suburban with Tami and I in the back seat that faces backwards and wave at all of the other motorists who were kind enough wave back (occasionally).
 Grandma would always have some kind of dessert to share! Jeff would scarf it down so quick in hopes of having more, but he finally learned that you need to enjoy it because it is the only piece you are going to get! To this day he still eats very slowly!!!
The house from the front. The front yard was huge too but we were so in love with the back that we didn't go out there very much!  And he rented out the basement so it was better that we stayed in the back.
 On a trip to Utah we took Caroline and the kids with us to see the old roller coaster. Jeremy and Britt were just babies so they did not get to go for a ride. But Cortney, Ashley, Rebecca, and Kayla all had such a great time! I wish I had pictures of my kids but my camera was stolen right after we left. But Caroline sent me pictures of Rebecca and Kayla! This picture is of them going down grandpa's old roller coaster!
At the end of the ride you go through grape vine tunnel! I remember trying to grab some grapes while going down when they were in season. Again, Grandpa would not be happy!
The house was sold after Grandpa was too old to take care of it anymore. It was destroyed and a new one was put up. The trees, the fruit bushes, the play house and the tree house are gone too. But if you look closely the roller coaster track is still there, enjoying another batch of kids to ride it until dusk forces them inside!
Wayne was not my real grandpa but he was very good to me and he treated me just like one of his own! And I love him dearly!
While watching these videos it all came back to me. I wish there was more of the yard to see but how cool we have this!  I wish I could share the ride with the rest of the kids! They would have loved it!!!

While waiting for the kiddos to get out of school

So I am sitting in the van reading my book while I wait for the kids to come bursting out the doors and across the crosswalk to head home for another thrilling day of battling homework and chores and I got a phone call. The area code was 208, which is Idaho.
Yes, I memorized it!
It was Deseret Book! And there was this very pretty missionary who wanted me to pick something up for her. The nice assistant gave me the SKU and told me she had already called the store and they had a few in stock. And then the clerk apologized because this missionary couldn't talk to me. I told her it was okay and I was kind of getting used to it, lol! Once we figured which store it was, (kind of forgot there was only one in Mesa.. actually, I was prolonging the phone call. Didn't realize it until after I hung up! Silly mommy!) I agreed to rush out to the store right away (which I am actually doing today, don't tell!). She said the Sister was a beautiful girl and was doing great. I could almost hear her talking back! Okay, mostly mumbling, but it was her mumbling!
Yes, David, I need help!
And it is so nice to know that even from a few states away, that one missionary can still get her mommy to buy her things!
And just so you know, reading a book while waiting for the kiddies to get out of school is prime reading time! I recommend it to anyone!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Mom is getting old!!!

This is definitely the week of birthdays! My mom is one year older and wiser too today!
She has a generous heart, caring spirit, and all she wants most in the world is to be loved!
And I love her more and more every day.
Happy Birthday Mom!!!


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Happy Birthday, Travis!!!

My hunny is much too old!
But he is mine!
Happy Birthday!!!
I Love You!!!


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Happy Birthday, Debbie!

My little sister is one year older. I would tell you but she would have my hide so I will keep that to myself! She is one of my best friends and I love spending time with her. I only wish we had more time together! Happy Birthday, Debbie! I love you!!!!
My favorite picture of Debbie! WE found lots of things to use as drums and set it up in her room and had a great time playing!

Odd Family Photo

I found it! This, so far, is the oddest family picture we have!
Britt was squeezing Joey's hand because he was annoying her
(nothing has changed there!)
Mackenzie was out of there. This was no fun!
I have no idea what Zach was thinking!
He was either hungry, trying to sing, or hoping Josh would throw a dinner mint his way.
He can't remember either!
Thanks goodness for Cortney and Ashley!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

School has started

Dearest Ashley M
 School has started! Wow! Yesterday, I was counting down with anticipation! But this morning came and I had the hardest time dropping those little ones off. I was going to be by myself for more than two hours! What was I going to do? I still had so many messes to clean but no one to argue with. No one with whom I want to hang by their toe nails because he won't listen or continue to tease his sister relentlessly!
 (No, I am not talking about Zach!)
 So, yes, I have lost my mind and senses. I miss them!
And Luke is in kindergarten! We took him to school and when he got his little self out of the van my heart soared!  And when I picked them up, Andrew was holding his hand as they crossed the street and to the van. It was so cute! Even Sedona is in 1st grade. My van is full this year!!!
I am reminded of the time when you and Cortney were little and you sat in the corner by your house as Cortney told you all about school. And you sat and listened to her as if she was the most informed person in the world. And I remember already being sad because you were growing up. And now you are in Idaho and Cortney is an old married person and I still look back and miss those two little girls.

Anyway, another year has started and I must admit I am really excited about it! So much to do, so much to learn, and the best part is that it will go by so much faster and it will bring you home quicker! I just have to get through this year!
I will do it!!!
Until then,
lots of homework,
 chasing away boys,
more empty threats to your little bro,
grade patrol,
cheesy songs with a little ham to perform them,
and lots of aspirin and trips to Cirlce K!
Yes, I know, I am making you homesick already!
Love you always and forever,

Monday, August 4, 2014


I need to start going to church with my husband.
He likes to sign me up for stuff and not tell me.
For instance, we fed the missionaries last month,
I had to order pizza because they showed up at our door.
Travis forgot to tell me.
I received a call from Bro Haws asking if I knew how to run a computer for the indexing class I signed up for.
I didn't know I did that.
Luckily my computer skills are not too bad.
Thank goodness!
And I did sign up for indexing and I really love it!
I keep waiting for Salt Lake to call and tell me that I am not doing it right.
So far my phone is Salt Lake free.
(That is a blessing on so many levels!)
Although my brothers could call a little more!!!
So, back to my church plight.
I made him promise, promise, PROMISE not to sign up for anything else without telling me.
He wouldn't.
My husband!!! :)