Saturday, May 23, 2015

Britt is Graduated!!!

It was wonderful! Windy, but so wonderful!
She was beautiful, and more than once I had a tear or two in my eye.
And now she has the rest of her life to do whatever she wants.

I will break the bad news to her tomorrow about the falsehood of that statement!

 Getting pictures with Grandparents!

 Josh and Britt are one week apart and they got to graduate together, although they really don't spend that much time together. You normally find Britt with Danni and Josh with Zach!



I think someone is pretty excited to be done!
 Cortney joined us for graduation and it was great to have her there!

 Favorite teacher EVER!!!

Rylee and Britt
Friends to the end!!!
 Finch and Britt!

 Danni, Tarod, Breon, And Britt! Just add Finch and you have the Squad!!!

 DJ and Britt have been friend since kindergarten, when he would sit behind her and tease her about Britney Spears! 13 years these two have been "Best Friends"! love this kid!

 Tarod! ... I don't need to say anymore!

Yellow roses from Ashley to end the evening!  
Kinda blurry but I really wanted to show Ashley what happened when we gave Britt the flowers!


Thursday, May 21, 2015

Throwback Thursday

Well, a big day at my house today. Or tonight, actually, but it got me thinking about my graduation.

I remember it being not the best time in my life. I did not want to be there. I wanted to be at Jordan High in Sandy, Utah,  graduating with my friends and the kids I grew up with.  Instead, I was at Mesa High, a place that I liked but it was not really home. My parents bought me a ticket to attend that graduation in Sandy for my gift and I was leaving the next day, and I could not wait to go. But first I had to get through mine.

I had some friends at Mesa, but most of them were Juniors or Sophomores. It was hard to befriend with the seniors because they were already in their groups.  I can't blame them. And moving in the middle of your senior year is never a great thing, no matter who you are or what the situation is.

It was a very memorable night, my graduation. For one thing, we got to have it outside, something that never happened at Jordan. And, a few weeks before, one of our high school football stars had been in an accident coming home from Senior Prom. He was paralyzed from the chest down. And, such a cool thing, he came to get his diploma! He was transported in an ambulance onto the football field. He was brought out on a gurney and the Principal presented the diploma to him in front of the whole school and their parents. I don't think there was a dry eye on the field, or the stands, for that matter.

It was beautiful!

And it was sad at the same time. The whole thing put my problems into perspective. My problems were nothing compared to Carl Crawford's.  I remember being very happy that I had my diploma, and that it was over. I think I also cried all the way home, (and we walked!) only because it was not Jordan.

Thank goodness for my parents! They knew exactly what I needed and that was to go home, or to go to Sandy. And I discovered my greatest lesson: You can't go home again. So much changes and where you hang your hat is where home is. And even though I got to spend time with my friends, my greatest joy was visiting with my cousins, grandpas, aunts and uncles.  (especially a certain cousin in Pleasant Grove, who I promised to write while he was on his mission!!!)

Funny how it took having kids graduate from Mesa to discover my loyalty to it. I am proud to be a Mesa Jackrabbit, or a Beetdigging Jackrabbit, as I like to say!

Joey Graduates too, Kind of!

One of my most favorite things about Franklin Elementary is that they record your child reading in the fall and summer of each year they attend Franklin! It is a great opportunity to see them improve their reading skills as well as watch them grow up in shorter than 10 minutes! I loved it so much that when I was on the FPO board, I was in charge of it for those three years!

And before the graduation festivities start later this afternoon, I want to recognize Joey, who is moving on to Junior high! Yep, his teacher wasn't sure he would make it but he did!

And, so Sis Clawson will not feel left out, I have included his Franklin Video (you know he would have made you sit through it anyway). The binder you will have to wait on. But don't you fret, you WILL be sitting through that one too! (as well as many other 'Joeyism' things. Pray he gets over the pogo stick in the next three months!)

Enjoy! (or at least watch the first 2 minutes, lol)

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Happy Birthday, David!!!

Happy Birthday to my cousin, my comrade, my chum, my sidekick, and my buddy whom without him my life would be so different right now! I enjoy talking and laughing about absolutely nothing for hours with him and no one can make me smile like he can! So, happy birthday, old man! Don't ever forget - You are always one year older than me!!!
Love you, David!!!
And here is a pic, just for you!!!
(This picture is definitely worth a thousand words, don't you think?)

Throwback Thursday

I have been doing a lot of thinking about Brittany, mostly because she is graduating soon and will be completing a big part of her life. And, as my girls will tell you, sometimes it is not easy for me to let go. Who can blame me? They are a lot of fun and they keep me young!
I got to thinking about a time when we had our family pictures taken. Britt was four and was a stubborn little thing. And, just like today, she loved having her picture taken.
Well, when she found out it was just for the family, she became unglued! We tried and tried to get her to smile, but she chose instead to sulk because she had to share. Britt does not like to share, just ask Joey. (But he is a bad one to ask because he is terrible at that too!)
Finally, the lady agreed to take her pic all by herself. Free! (She just took the picture. We never really ordered it. I know, scandalous!!) The older girls were okay with it and Zach, well, he was oblivious. (not much has changed, lol!)
Even though Britt is sulking up a storm in this pic, I love it because it reminds me how much I love that girl!

But, I made it up to her a week later and she had her very own photo session! That is the smile I love!!!


Last minute madness

6th grade science projects - always my favorite! Trying to get creative and educational at the same time so you win is really stressful! And for me too! For instance, we had this great idea where you take potatoes and put them in different circumstances and see which area the roots grow the fastest. I thought it was a great idea! We bought the potatoes, found the spots we decided on, placed them, and then promptly went on with life, knowing we needed to check them out at the end of the week.
The week passed.
Guess what? No roots. Not a one! I was telling someone about it and it turns out the potatoes you buy at the store are pretreated to not sprout.
I wasted the whole week on a science project that was doomed to fail
Excuse me, Joey and I worked on a science project that was doomed to fail!

I talked with Mrs. Grant and she recommended talking it over with Mrs. Muller and we came up with a new one that could be done in one day, on Monday! We were taking balloons and rubbing them against Joey's hair for 10 seconds and then seeing how long they stick to the wall. (Joey is a shaggy dog wanna be right now so he really had the hair!)

I was planning on putting the whole thing together on Thursday since we had way too many concerts coming up. But Joey said it was due Thursday morning. That meant I had to get it all done Wednesday, the same day as Mesa's band concert.
Oh, boy!
I had no free time at all! But, after the little ones were done with school Joey and I headed over to Mesa to do my thing. I brought him along to tempt him with a drum to get his homework done. It mostly worked. He got his homework done, it just took forever. Then I had him write up his project results. He got bored so Dad picked him up.

I didn't get home until 10:15 pm and we went straight to work on the project. I send him to bed finally at about 11 pm. I worked a little longer and then dragged myself to bed, only to wake up at 3 am to finish it up. Joey was up at 5 am and we managed to have it finished barely in time for him to go to school for the infamous band breakfast they serve every year.
It looks great, kinda girly, but hey, next time he can pull out his man card and make it cooler, when mom is not helping him.
And now I am really tired. But I can't stop because I have even more things I have to fix at school. ... Anyone seen the Booster check book?  Yep, it is going to be one of those days!!!
Here is Joey's project.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Jeremy is having a missionary write Britt!!!!!
(David Jr. is at it again!!!!)

Next week...

It is hard to believe that in a week from tomorrow Brittany will graduate from high school. I am so proud of her! She did it!  There were times when I thought for sure she was not going to make it, but she has! And I think she is a better person for it.
She had to write a paper for English and needed help getting the printer to work so I helped, but I also read her speech. I wanted to write it down to keep with me.
I remember when my kids graduated from Franklin and they gave us a binder with important things they had accomplished during grade school and I think this is something I would add to hers.

For the past 13 years, we have all worked extremely hard to get where we are today and all I can say is... I'm glad that's over. We are now moving on to bigger and better things. Except whether we like it or not, high school, these past 4 years, will ways be apart of us. It's the place we found friends, interests, and most importantly.. who you are. It's where we found ourselves. It's where we made a billion mistakes- things we regret. We all make mistakes, we can just blame it on being a stupid high school kid. JK Rowling said, "it is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you love so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all- in which case, you fail by default." I hope that you lived these past 4 years and made plenty mistakes. These lessons that we have learned will help us in the years to come; they've helped us grow.

The person I was freshman year wouldn't even recognize the person I am today. I've changed so much and that's because I tried so many different classes from child education to drama to marching band to wrestling to dance and so many more things. I was able to look around a little bit to where my interests lie. I've made friends who have increasingly improved my life, and some who I've learned from. My freshman year I learned that high school is more stereotypical than I had imagined... Everyone had a place and social status and the attitude that came with it. But for me, I moved around too much to actually have a place to belong. And I think that's the best thing I could have done for myself. Even though it was hard, I experienced so much and the things I learned will always stick with me. It's important to have an education and I'm excited to continue it. As we carry on, carry Mesa high along with you. Thank you for all of the good memories, experiences, and traditions.


Monday, May 11, 2015

Mothers Day 2015

Mothers Day! Awesome, wonderful!
I received a lot of flowers. Paper ones, ones with fuzzy pipe cleaner bugs attached to it, and sweet pink ones with messages written on them. I was even given a pot of lilies that I immediately felt sorry for because I give them two weeks in my custody until their dead leaves and stems will be lining my recycled bin. (Unless Mackenzie rescues those poor little things)
But my favorite was talking to my Ash!
But just to make David mad, I gotta go back a few days. Britt has to work on Mother's day. Everyone did. So as soon as I found this out, I called the mission home. Yeah, I was so good! I could have called her phone number since I gave it Peggy earlier that month,  but I went the proper channels and called them first. (Oh, course, this scared my Ash out of her mind because they only call her in emergencies, lol! Oh, well. I think she forgives me!)
Oh, yeah, I called the mission home. I said who I was and then the Sister immediately said how much they love Sister Clawson and she comes in a lot to visit in the mission office. . Well, that was the catalyst!
 I started crying. I said I needed to change time to talk to her. And I am crying even more. She said not to worry about it she would call Sis Clawson and make arrangements and them get back to me. And then asked if I was ok. I could only say that I just missed my girl. She ended the conversation saying how impressed they were with her and how much they loved her.
Yep, that made me stop crying right away!!!
When Sunday came, Cortney had to work at 5 pm so she would have missed both times and I was so bummed. Ash was too. It wasn't the same without her!
And everything was running smoothly, we only had 45 minutes, and then Joey got up to talk. He couldn't and the two of them cried for a bit.
I told them there wasn't enough time to cry and it wasn't allowed! That seemed to move things along.
It was a great visit! Travis promised her he would write, I told her not to hold her breath, Zach talked about a few new girls he liked, and Mackenzie sang her another song she wrote! All good stuff!!!
Tami and Jim, Josh, Angela and Emily all got to talk too. And even my mom. And, of course, they both cried too!

 The very last 10 minutes had arrived and Britt had not shown up yet. Things were behind at work and it was busy. But, just like prayers are answered in the knick of time, Britt came bounding in the door and we all screamed! And in she brought a flower for Tami, my mother, and I. And she left Ashley in tears! The good kind, of course!
And then we had to say goodbye, but we were reminded by my sassy little sweetheart that it would only be for 90 days. And then we get her back!
It was a beautiful day with a wonderful promise at the end.
90 more days....
(There David, lots of words!... your're welcome!)

Friday, May 8, 2015

My letters

Awesome night! Why do I stress out so much? I know they will all turn out. They always do. And it helped that I was just the person helping, not the person in charge.

Maybe because at the very end of the day what was really important was the letters I got to come home to. And as wonderful as they were, they did not hold a candle to hearing Ashley's voice and the voice recorder and her telling me how much she loved me and how thus really was the best time in her life so far. And listening to her get so excited about serving others and watching people find their way to Christ!

I wanted to share a few letters with you. Just three. One was from a Sister Hessing. I do not know who she is but I know she is a member in the Summerset ward. Another one is from Sister Wilkes, whom opened her home for the sister missionaries and was wonderful to my sweet Ash. The last one is from the Bishop of that ward. I have more but I will post those on her blog.

For Sister Clawson's mother,
I imagine that you are everything that a mother should be because the example of your daughter. I am sure that you are a big part of her becoming the beautiful young woman and missionary she is today. We have loved her in our ward. Unrelenting in her missionary work, service and compassion. She is a reflection of goodness!
We so enjoyed having her in our home for dinner and conversation. I am occasionally involved in feeding the missionaries during zone conference so I am able to observe most of the missionaries. She was the one sister that came to my aid. Without asking she was at my side cleaning up and helping in the kitchen when most of the others left. I love that she is so conscious about acts of service.
We enjoyed listening to her play her flute during our sacrament meetings. You can feel her testimony as she plays with great emotion and love for the instrument. This brought much joy to all of us during Christmas. Her music brought the spirit into the meeting with her gift and there was a feeling of reverence that permeated the room.
As I watched her, I can only hope that my girls and granddaughers will have the same kind of love and devotion of the Savior. Thank you for sharing her with us. I don't even know you but I love you because of your daughter.
 Sister Cheri Hessing

Dear Sister Clawson,
Your daughter Ashley lived in y home for six months where I learned a lot from her. She is friendly and bold and her smile can melt the coldest hearts. I have lived in the Summerset ward over 30 years and in a few months she knew every inch and member of the ward much better that I did. She spoke often of how much she loved her mom and your chose relationship/ I'm sure you're proud of her as many more in the Boise, Idaho misson do and we love her too.

Helen Wilkes

One last one that the Bishop of the Summerset ward sent
Sister Clawson's mother:
Happy Mother's Day! My name is Skye Root and I am currently the Bishop of he Summerset Ward where your daughter served for six months as an outstanding and committed missionary. You and your family should be very proud not only of her qualities as a missionary but her qualities as a person, a daughter of God who knows who she is. While she planted plenty of her own seeds her in the Summerset ward, she was also able to do substantial harvesting. We appreciate her efforts to effectively harvest, for it became our harvest. You no doubt raised her to be an effective teacher, communicator and "inviter" and those skills greatly blessed our ward. Her testimony is strong and her faith great. However, I think what makes her most effective is her genuine love for the people she teaches and serves. This outspoken love allows her to be bold without offending, a rare combo. You've raised a wonderful daughter who blessed my ward, my community, my family and me as she served here. We were sad to see her go. I would be very happy if she was one of my daughters and treated her as such while she was here. Thank you for loaning her to the Boise Mission, and specifically the Summerset war, for a season. She';; be home before you know it!

Bishop Skye Root

Great night! Sometimes it is nice hearing that I am doing a good job at this mother thing, especially from people I do not know. I am grateful for the example Ashley is to me and for her willingness to do HARD THINGS! :)

Thursday, May 7, 2015

In the mail!!!

It is Thursday afternoon and I need to drop Britt off at school for the Euporia concert in less than an hour, Then I am off to roundtable where we are doing a mini-pow wow and I am teaching with  Sis Zufelt. We are doing recycled regatta and I have more recyclable material in my car than I do in my bin!
 And what comes in the mail? My first mother's day gift. From Sister Clawson! And it is a boat-load of letters from people in her ward and I cannot look at one of them because I know I will want to read all of them right now and my make up will be ruined because I will bawl like a baby! And I really need to get through tonite!
So, Sister Clawson, when you read this, your timing is not the best!!!
But then it IS THE BEST because tonight I will read all of those wonderful letters that say you are amazing and wonderful and you have a beautiful spirit, a little on the sassy side, (more like a lot!), and love to serve everyone, which I already know, and I will keep a BIG box of tissues with me and miss you even more than I already do now!

But I have to get through tonite and knowing what awaits me is pure torture!

It is going to be a long night!!!

And I got this too! Not only do I get to read those many wonderful things but I get to hear my sweet missionary!
Yep, it's looking to be a great mothers day!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Spending time with Macky Mae

Macky Mae and I love some serious cuddle time. She has since she was a little thing and now even more, I think because she is the youngest and so much of my time is spent with the older ones that she demands it. And I gotta say I really don't mind. We do many things during this time, we talk about school, friends, what is going on in our house, etc.
Well, lately we have been watching a web show based on Jane Austen's Emma called Emma Approved. The webisodes are only 7 minutes max and we are really enjoying it! It's funny, clean, and perfect for the two of us!
Oh, and when Sis Clawson gets home, she can expect the same thing, I guarantee it! But I am sure she won't mind. Because there is nothing better than a snuggle with a cutie and hearing her laugh. And I think those little moments, no matter what we are doing, will be remembered years from now and will hopefully be the best memories ever!
And if you haven't seen it, do! Cute show!!! Probably one of my favorites!!!
(Yes, Jane Austen junkie, right here!!!)

Breaking up is hard to do

Brittany and Tarod broke up. I was expecting more tears, sulking, and the normal drama that comes from ending a relationship that was longer than 6 months, but there wasn't much of that.
Then again, they still hang out together, she still takes him home, and they still talk at the end of each day. I guess their friendship was stronger than that relationship stuff. And I am proud of her for handling it in such a way.

Joey, on the other hand....

 Okay, I need to go back a bit. We have this joke around here. When there is a terrible break up, or one that was longer than normal, we buy 'break up cheese puffs'. You know the kind I am talking about. The ones in the huge container that are so disgusting it takes probably a week just to eat the top layer itself.
It was on a show, can't remember which one, but the girls all got a kick out of it and so the tradition continues.

We put it on Britt's bed while she was at the movies with Alex and she brought it in with a smile on her face and a big thank you!
It warranted break up cheese puffs! Yep, this was serious business!!

I know, back to Joey. (Yes, David, I know. I can make a long story even longer....don't push me :) )

One more boyfriend he lost. 
One more he gets to pray for.
Yep, he was the one hit the most.
My condolences to the poor lad. 

And I am going to bet this will not be the last container of break up cheese puffs he devours, either.
I wonder if they have a support group for boys with sisters who break up with cool boyfriends.
 I need to look into that.

Not to self: no more buying break up cheese puffs the day before fast Sunday! 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Another Amazing Visit!

Wednesday night, while cleaning out the fridge (one of my most FAVORITE jobs ever!) I got a text from Chyrisse, one of my best friends from high school. She was coming in the next morning and needed someone to pick her up from the airport! I was all over that! I love Chyrisse! She was a life savor for me when I moved here during my senior year here from Sandy, Utah. I don't think I would have gotten through it without her!
Her sister in law was being induced the next day due to some problems with her pregnancy and was coming in to help with it. She had her cute daughter, Kayla, in tow. Such a wonderful cutie!!!
 I picked her up and then we went straight to my mom's house! I think she spent as much time there as she did her own house!
We surprised my mom! She loved it! Tami came over and we spent the day together! We had lunch at Lenny's and then I took her to Avondale where her family met us and took her to Ajo, Arizona!
I loved visiting with her! She is such a dear friend and we always have so much fun together! I only wish we lived closer! Oh, well! I guess we will need to make an extra pit stop on the way Salt Lake!!!