Friday, February 27, 2015

MORP 2015

The theme this year was comic con and Britt decided she wanted to go as Tangled! After asking Tarod and him taking forever to get back to her, she created her own costume! And by created I mean the whole thing! She copied what it looked like and made it without a pattern! And without any sewing experience! And all on her own, no help form me, at least no real help! And I gotta admit she did pretty good! I am so proud of her! Can you imagine what she can do if she actually takes a class and learns how to REALLY do it? I think she has a natural talent and I am so proud!!!

She and Tarod had a great night!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Look who got promoted at work! Yep, my sweet girl is now a manager! She starts training tomorrow! Where she is working is still a question mark but she is on her way to being a big bad boss!!!
Okay, not so bad, In fact, not bad at all! So proud of you sweetie!!!
I love you!!!
Update~ She is a manager at the Queen Creek Harkins!

Monday, February 23, 2015


Well, the evening ended up very nicely, except for the water fight in the house, started by Britt and Tarod of all people! You see, Tavis and I went for a ride to the temple to end our day where it all started, but of course it was raining so we came back. But apparently we came back too soon because there were footprints  all over the floor, a wet Britt using towels to dry the water puddles in the dining room, and Tarod, also wet,  trying to help. What was not helping was Joey armed with his nerf gun, poised and ready to attack Tarod. And then Tarod, who managed to have one hidden (as only a really good hero does), pulled out his gun and the water fight turned into a nerf fight throughout the house. Can I just say on days like this I am really glad I don't have carpet? And Britt did get it all cleaned up. (It looks like the whipped cream fight with Jeremy taught her well!) What a sweetie, all while the battle for Mackenzie's room was taking place just around the corner.
And yes, Tarod won both battles tonight, but my little warrior fought a good fight!

Oh, and good news on Joey's family prayer: Zach has discovered that if he blackmails Joey by throwing the name of a girl around, (Karina) and saying he will pray for her, Joey has backed off on praying for the girls Zach has dated. (But Britt and Ash are on their own!)  I don't know how I feel about the blackmailing part over praying, but I must admit it is nice not to watch Zach's ears turn red during the prayer. (Okay, right after the prayer, while threatening his brother with bodily harm! Okay, okay! It's the bodily harm part I am not crazy about.)

I hope Heavenly Father sees the intent and not so much the process, lol!

So ends a great Family Home Evening! I love my family, even if we are WAAYYY dysfunctional!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Twenty Four!

Today it has been 24 years since I married my favorite missionary, my best friend, and my rock!!! It has been an amazing adventure and I am looking forward to the next 24 years to really drive him crazy!!!
Or, in other words, make it even better~!!!


Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Sisters!

What a great night! We fed the missionaries! And, lucky us, we were able to feed not two but four! (The Silvergate sister's were cancelled on) I think this is what I will miss most when Ashley comes home- feeding the missionaries and knowing that somewhere in Idaho someone is doing the same for my girl! And I feel so much closer to her when they are around! And the stories! Oh my goodness, the things the kids share when they are here! I think I even my ears were red! Oh, well! That's what you get when your kids like to talk!!!

I love the spirit these sisters bring and I know they are truly sent from God! I have been lucky to go with them and seen them in action and it amazes me how so together they are! And it is a testimony for how Heavenly Father knows all and he is in control, no matter what your plans are! And I have learned that free agency is the most important thing on earth and we cannot stifle another's agency! And by doing so stifles their ability to grow, as well as ours! And I think this lesson is one that I had to experience in order to not do it again! And luckily, after discussing this with my sweetie, I am okay, I am forgiven! In fact, I am great! And I am loved!!!! And that is everything!!!

Sis Maynard, Sis Brinkersoff, Sis Solipo, and Sis Merrell
Love these Sisters!!!

Suessical at the Big MAC!

It is finally done! The last showing of Suessical the Musical was this week! Monday I went with my big sister, and it was the best! It was playing at the Big MAC, or that is what Joey calls it! Maybe it was my favorite show because I only saw it a few times in the fall. You remember, the band's trip to California, but maybe cause I actually missed it! And I love watching Britt perform, no matter what she is doing!

Tuesday I took Mackenzie and Joey and it was so much fun! Mostly because of how they reacted to the show! (although Joey did ditch us half way through so he would watch the show with Mathis!)
And at the end, we gave Britt and Danni some roses! They loved them!

 Joey's favorite character!

Mackenzie's favorite

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Jeremy at the MTC

Here is a pic of Jeremy being dropped off at the MTC!  I am so stinking proud of that kid!
(Yeah, Sis Clawson, I was thinking of you when I wrote that!!!)
He will be a great missionary! And he is a great guy!!!
(His dad too! Just don't quote me on that!!!)
Meanwhile, look at that snow in the background. Looks like dear old dad is going to have a great weekend at his old stomping grounds!!!

message from Idaho!

I was enjoying the extended ward council with the Silvergate Park ward when my phone buzzed. Luckily I had it on vibrate and it seemed the Stake President was watching me at the time so I did nothing. Turns out it was an Idaho area code. That always scares me, although it probably shouldn't. I got a sneak peak while we were dividing up into groups and it was someone named Hannah with a question from Ash.
 ~Sis Wadsworth from the Emerald Acres ward is going to Idaho in a week and wanted to know if she could take up a package. And, of course, a "love you Ma!!!" thrown in for good measure!!!
And Ash wants to send one home with her as well.
But then Hannah and I kept corresponding. It turns out that Ashley's missionary companion has a sister who is serving in the Mesa Mission. I was sitting next to one of the missionaries and we were looking up her profile on facebook. (Probably one of the reasons President Johnson was watching me, lol!)
Our Sis Shulte is going home Feb 25th and I hope I get to meet her before she goes home. How cool would that be?
And Hannah and I continued to talk a bit about people we might know. I love it when I hear from Boise!
It made my night, as well as being invited to the blue and gold banquet at the Acacia Ward, (where I received an award!) and having an awesome visit with one of the families in the Silvergate Park ward!!!

Sis Shulte, Hannah Tolman, and Sis Clawson!

My award from pack meeting!  So cool!!! I love Sis Zufelt! 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

One year

What a year! I cannot believe it has come and gone so fast! I remember being a wreck that whole day we said goodbye to Ashley and put her on that plane. I miss her terribly and something will happen and I so want to tell her about it but then I remember I can't. Not till Monday, at least. But I have read her letters, seen her on Skype a few times and I can't help but be proud of the woman she has become. It is so true that missions convert you. Not that she didn't already have a strong testimony or she never would have left in the first place, but that it has continued to grow and increase by volumes. She says that I played a big part in that. Funny because I look back at so many of the mistakes that I made, especially involving her decision to go on a mission in the first place and I am ashamed. But she loves me anyway. That is a Christlike attribute like none other. (That's what Ashley said, lol!!!)  And I am grateful that I have the ability to change and that she does not hold it against me and that I have the opportunity to be a positive support system to her when she really needs me to be. So this mission has converted me more to the Gospel as well!

I look forward to being able to send out the rest of my children when it is time. I love the example they are, I love having the missionaries in my home and the spirit they bring and knowing somewhere in Idaho my daughter is bringing that same spirit with her!

There are six months to go and I finally agree with others that it will go by fast. And what a great six months it will be! Britt is a senior and graduation is upon us. But before that we have winter drumline. I really thought I was done with that! And Joey has plans for Junior High! Yep, world, beware! He is moving up as well!
(Funny story, I was stopped by Sis. Grant at the indexing dinner, which I will talk about later, but she said even though he is not in her class, she definitely knows who he is. That kind of comment always scares me. What has he done now always comes to the front of my mind. She said her daughter substituted a lot for Mrs. Christensen's class when he was in fifth grade and she did not know what to make of him. But the more she taught him, the more he became her favorite! Cool, huh?)

So on this day that Jeremy is dropped off and the anniversary of when Ashley started her mission, I look back fondly of those times of planning, preparing, and getting excited about serving the Lord. And I thank God for this experience.

Today Jeremy leaves for his mission. Ironically, it is a year to the day we said goodbye to Ashley!~
Before he left, Brittany wanted to make sure he left knowing he was loved. So, in their own special tradition, she got him! But then he got her!! And then my poor house got it too!!!
And now he has two years to think about the ultimate pay back!
(although he better be thinking of a lot of other more important things!!!)

Britt does too!!!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Movie Date with Cort!

It seems with Cortney's new job and with life in general we don't get much time together. Something comes up or an another activity comes in the way. Bit we finally did it!
Yep, we went to the movies! We saw Into the Woods. It was cute, although I think I will only see it once. I much prefer the Jr. version, which is only half of the play and it ends on a happy note.
(Yes, I am a happily ever after kind of gal! If it is not, it is just a waste of my time!)
It reminded me of the times when Ashley and I would steal away to do the same thing!
I need to spend more time with my daughter!!! I miss her, and she is only 7 miles away!!!