Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sunday was good

It was a great day at church! Not only did Britt do a great job at speaking but I got to be the Primary secretary for the day! It's kind of like playing pretend. I really don't know what I am doing but I seem to be doing it right! And then the last hour I got to play with the little ones in nursery! I think that is my favorite place in all of the church to be! Not only do they look at you like you are smart, wonderful, the best singer, and the funniest person in the world, but they feed you too! Even the litte ones do! And you know they like you because they share the fishy crackers instead of the pretzels! Yeah, baby! That is LOVE!!!
Austin Lane showed up for a visit! He has been stationed in San Diego and I have not seen him since before Ashley left. I think he is still getting taller! lol! And to see him and McKayla together without Ash was kind of weird. And later McKayla came in to with Apollo to nursery and she said they talked about the time they played games all night with Shesten and Devon and how Ash will never live down how mean she can get with cards. I can't wait to see this when she gets home!!!  It was neat and sad at the same time! He is headed back today but it was really great seeing him. I still look back fondly to the preschool days and carpooling those crazy little ones who even then had very strong personalities!!!

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