It starts. I cannot sleep again. So many thoughts swimming around. I am hoping if I write them down maybe I can sleep for an hour before I need to get the kids up for school.
Primary softball started this week. Mackenzie didn't want to go but really enjoyed the first and second day. She had the opportunity to hang out with Britt yesterday and decided that she would rather do that instead. I don't blame her. It has been so hot! And the stake will not allow shorts or capris so pants it is. And the only shade available is next to Horne on field 4, which is not a real softball field, just a regular field with grass. (but it is definitely the favorite for the shade alone!) We are combined with the Emerald Acres ward. We were the wards with the least amount of girls, which comes to 15 altogether. Not too shabby! And they have been wonderful! The Primary President, Sister Schnepf, has been the Ump every time and the activity day leader, I so forget her name, has been a doll to work with! And with Myrna Jensen and Tiffany Wilkenson it has been so much fun! Just really, really hot!!!
The two wards are already planning a game between each other is a few weeks when it has cooled off and I can't wait to go and see them play each other!
Two more days. Tuesday and Wednesday, and then we are done until February. At least it will be cooler then.
I had commissioners meeting last night and I am getting overwhelmed there too. The cub scout program is getting a complete re-haul this year. They want us to present this information to our units and I am not completely understanding what changes are being made. How do you teach something that is still a mystery to you? They are telling us stuff slowly as to not overwhelm us but I think I would rather get it all at once, understand it, and then be able to answer questions that are coming, and they WILL be coming. I am not a patient person and I like to know my information now so I can process it and then go forward. (Yes, David. It does take awhile for me to process things! See, here I go reading your mind again!!!)
And sitting right on top of all of this is band. Am I getting this right? I am having people text me, wanting to change things and trying to figure out how to tell them no without loosing their help. I know I cannot make everyone happy, but I have to try, right? And I have discovered I am such a great follower. I make an awesome indian! A chief? The jury is still out on that.
(This does not include home. Yep, I am the bossiest chief in my house full of little chiefs!!!)
Uniforms are not quite ready but Miriam is doing a great job. She is in charge of them. I am doing a pretty good job of letting her take over, but I still have my thumbs in the pie, so to speak. Not really because Mr. Brooks would have my head if I really had a pie in there.
Butt capes are not even started. I need to hunt down white shirts that are cheaper. Again, I am not a patient person and I don't like to hurry up and wait. That is the worst ever!
Joey's all about me report is due tomorrow and he has procrastinated it and was up till 11 pm last night doing it. I need to get him up with the big kids so he can finish it. I hope that little man realizes this lessons and learns it quickly!!!
Well, I may not feel much better but my mind is much clearer so I think I am going to try to sleep now. If not, there is this great movie that puts me to sleep every time. I will watch it for a bit. Goodnight!
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