Sunday, September 28, 2014


What a night!
More rain! Women's Conference,
And silly me, I chose to go to the stake center with my mom instead of help Britt get ready.Mostly because my mom would have been all by herself and Britt doesn't need me!
No, I do things old school and she knows exactly what she wants.
Wow! that took me back a few years to my sassy redhead when she was getting ready for dances!
(I can say that now that it has been a few years!!
Just joking! )
And Danni was coming over to hang out for an hour since pictures were canceled because of the rain.
And speaking of the rain, Mackenzie refused to have a shower and go to conference with me because the power might go off when she was in the shower! What a nightmare that would have been for her! So I decided next week, after I tied Britt up so she won't go anywhere, we will sit down and watch it together. (yeah, I really wouldn't tie her up.... not when Joey has those handcuffs!
No, I will use mommy guilt! It's powerful stuff!!!Stronger than Kryptonite!!!)
It was nice to spend time with my mom. We don't do it enough anymore and she really loves the attention. And conference was great! Everything we heard was just a confirmation of what we learned at stake conference last week. And the last thought was that Heavenly Father loves you. Always has and always will. I needed to hear that!!!
The sad news was that the Solomon ward was flooding again! Sister Riding and Sister Vezina, Solomon's Primary President, were sitting on our bench and Sister Vezina found out her house had flooded again. They are still living in the trailers because the damage from last time was so extensive. I feel so sorry for her. But there were some sweet winter visitors that are letting her family stay in their trailer until it is ready to live in, but now that might be even longer.
Back to homecoming! Travis was supposed to take pictures. Yeah, we need to teach him how to work a camera because I got nothing! But Britt was sweet enough to get some for me and shared them with me!

This is Tarod. Someday I will even learn his last name. Just not today.
And it is now 2 am so she didn't make cerfew but they helped clean up the dance, Tarod being in StuCo and all, so they are ok. she was doing service, I am so proud!!!
Except my daughter came home with a boyfriend.
Yep, they are officially a couple! So much for being single her senior year!
I am not good with boyfriends. No, I get too snoopy, annoying, and very inquisitive, but I have decided that it is okay! And my kids love me for it! Maybe not now, but they will!
 (She already does. So, bring on this boyfriend!!!)
And now, I need to go to bed because Kingsborough Park Ward is having their Primary Presentation tomorrow morning and I want to be awake to enjoy the sweet, fun, adorable show they have prepared!  

Friday, September 26, 2014

Not sleeping again

It starts. I cannot sleep again. So many thoughts swimming around. I am hoping if I write them down maybe I can sleep for an hour before I need to get the kids up for school.
Primary softball started this week. Mackenzie didn't want to go but really enjoyed the first and second day. She had the opportunity to hang out with Britt yesterday and decided that she would rather do that instead. I don't blame her. It has been so hot! And the stake will not allow shorts or capris so pants it is. And the only shade available is next to Horne on field 4, which is not a real softball field, just a regular field with grass. (but it is definitely the favorite for the shade alone!) We are combined with the Emerald Acres ward. We were the wards with the least amount of girls, which comes to 15 altogether. Not too shabby! And they have been wonderful! The Primary President, Sister Schnepf, has been the Ump every time and the activity day leader, I so forget her name, has been a doll to work with! And with Myrna Jensen and Tiffany Wilkenson it has been so much fun! Just really, really hot!!!
The two wards are already planning a game between each other is a few weeks when it has cooled off and I can't wait to go and see them play each other!
Two more days. Tuesday and Wednesday, and then we are done until February. At least it will be cooler then.
I had commissioners meeting last night and I am getting overwhelmed there too. The cub scout program is getting a complete re-haul this year. They want us to present this information to our units and I am not completely understanding what changes are being made. How do you teach something that is still a mystery to you? They are telling us stuff slowly as to not overwhelm us but I think I would rather get it all at once, understand it, and then be able to answer questions that are coming, and they WILL be coming. I am not a patient person and I like to know my information now so I can process it and then go forward. (Yes, David. It does take awhile for me to process things! See, here I go reading your mind again!!!)
And sitting right on top of all of this is band. Am I getting this right? I am having people text me, wanting to change things and trying to figure out how to tell them no without loosing their help. I know I cannot make everyone happy, but I have to try, right? And I have discovered I am such a great follower. I make an awesome indian! A chief? The jury is still out on that.
(This does not include home. Yep, I am the bossiest chief in my house full of little chiefs!!!)
Uniforms are not quite ready but Miriam is doing a great job. She is in charge of them. I am doing a pretty good job of letting her take over, but I still have my thumbs in the pie, so to speak. Not really because Mr. Brooks would have my head if I really had a pie in there.
Butt capes are not even started. I need to hunt down white shirts that are cheaper. Again, I am not a patient person and I don't like to hurry up and wait. That is the worst ever!
Joey's all about me report is due tomorrow and he has procrastinated it and was up till 11 pm last night doing it. I need to get him up with the big kids so he can finish it. I hope that little man realizes this lessons and learns it quickly!!!
Well, I may not feel much better but my mind is much clearer so I think I am going to try to sleep now. If not, there is this great movie that puts me to sleep every time. I will watch it for a bit. Goodnight!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

More silly nonsense for Ashley

Brittany spent the day with her dad for her birthday but she and I were supposed to go to the movies. We weren't able to do it until last night and Britt wanted to take Ashley with her. So, we did!!! And what fun we had! We saw If I Stay and it was great! Although the ending was a bit weird.
 Guess where we are? One shot...
(Did you notice the JalapeƱo peppers? And then she goes and throws them away!!!)
You see, we did bring you!!! You liked the movie but you hated the ending!!!
You were very opinionated. More than normal, lol!!!
Then we went to Wal-mart to buy some conditioner. Dad got it at American Discount.
He has learned the error of his ways.
The lines were too long so you insisted on some selfies!

Britt thought you were hogging the camera though.
And to end the night we stopped by our favorite place! Well, our favorite place on the way home from Wal-Mart.
We got a drink in your honor. And you had to share. Luckily you kept a smile on your face the whole time!

You wanted to drive home but Britt insisted on it. Thank goodness!
Needless to say I should not be out after 10 pm because it is not safe! We get way too slap happy!!!

 Anyway Ash, don't laugh too much!!!
Love you!!!
Mackenzie saying hi.
 Oh, by the way, she cuddled up to your picture last night and it left a cute ink mark on her face.  You don't look good either!

 Yes, I know. Kind of creepy! But we had fun!!!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Silly nonsense for Ashley party two

Well, these are a few of the videos we have taken a few months ago. We taped an awkward video of Joseph's Smith's first vision but it didn't work out. Mackenzie had to do it for her Faith in God, I am kind of glad it didn't because you know us, it probably would seem sacrilegious to those who don't know us very well, lol! It reminded me of the time you guys dressed up for FHE and put on the play. But the kids did enjoy it. Dad was Heavenly Father, Zach was Jesus Christ and Joey was, well, Joseph. Mackenzie was the narrator, the black void, and the cheerleader... Yeah, I am sure you are picturing this all in your head and are somewhat glad it didn't work after all!!!!
But more are coming!
We took these for Britt's midnight breakfast before Sunday started that didn't end up that way. I have decided they have their own language and to understand them is anyone's guess. But it is sure fun trying to figure it out!!!
Britt's Euporia concert in the Spring. She did a great job and we get to go to the one in the fall too! Super excited to see how she progresses. I will send you a copy of this one too!!!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Adam and Eve

Aunt Peggy told us on her last visit that we got back to Adam and Eve in our family history! I thought that was so cool but I put it in the back of my mind until Tuesday. While I was helping Zach with his Seminary homework (okay, I was giving him the answers for his pedigree chart) Joey was getting on the computer. To make a short story long, we now have a password on the computer so Joey cannot get on until his homework is done. Yes, I am a cruel mother. It really is a pain considering any time anyone needs to get on the computer it is mom to the rescue. Travis even forgets half the time. But after the visit with his teacher when it was not Parent Teacher conference I knew that this would be a great way for him to get it done. (And he doesn't mind it too much because he says it helps him work on his detective skills as he tries to crack the code. Why does he tell me this stuff? I immediately kicked his can back to the table until his homework was done!)

I know, I know, back to my story. Well, Joey did it! He got onto and he managed to make it back to Adam and Eve! He had so much fun with it! Zach joined him later on and he, being the history fan he is (as long as it does not include homework, lol) was going crazy with who our ancestors are! And if I had a great memory I could point out a few but I am getting old after all and the mind is not what is used to be! But it made for a fun night as Zach shared a few things he learned last year (and during the summer, lol) about our ancestors, who were famous people of the past. And maybe someday I will actually put in some names. But my time is not my own these days.

But not many people can trace their lineage back to Adam and Eve!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

City of Mesa evacuates 100 residents due to flooding - FOX 10 News |

City of Mesa evacuates 100 residents due to flooding - FOX 10 News |

For Ashley-

We were at the park at 11 am, right after I picked up Zach and Britt from school. I sent those pictures to you on Monday. Zach came back later to play in the water. The water was too much and it overflowed and headed west. It is the street by Keller Elementary. The water made it down to those twin homes by Stapley. In fact, Kristi Tenney says that is where the worst of the flooding is, although a lot of basement homes in the area have extensive flooding.

Haws Haven also overflowed and I think a few of the houses on Spur had some flooding as well but I am not sure how many.

Tonight we are headed to the Spur building for a service project and are going to help with the clean up. I am supposed to iron and snap uniforms but I think they will be okay without me. And I will help another time.

I will keep you up to date on all of this. Thought you would want to see this.

Mesa neighbors deal with flooding aftermath - FOX 10 News |

Mesa neighbors deal with flooding aftermath - FOX 10 News |

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sunday was good

It was a great day at church! Not only did Britt do a great job at speaking but I got to be the Primary secretary for the day! It's kind of like playing pretend. I really don't know what I am doing but I seem to be doing it right! And then the last hour I got to play with the little ones in nursery! I think that is my favorite place in all of the church to be! Not only do they look at you like you are smart, wonderful, the best singer, and the funniest person in the world, but they feed you too! Even the litte ones do! And you know they like you because they share the fishy crackers instead of the pretzels! Yeah, baby! That is LOVE!!!
Austin Lane showed up for a visit! He has been stationed in San Diego and I have not seen him since before Ashley left. I think he is still getting taller! lol! And to see him and McKayla together without Ash was kind of weird. And later McKayla came in to with Apollo to nursery and she said they talked about the time they played games all night with Shesten and Devon and how Ash will never live down how mean she can get with cards. I can't wait to see this when she gets home!!!  It was neat and sad at the same time! He is headed back today but it was really great seeing him. I still look back fondly to the preschool days and carpooling those crazy little ones who even then had very strong personalities!!!