Tuesday, May 17, 2016

End of the Year Projects

Depending on the child. my favorite part of the end of the year is the projects. For instance, Mackenzie needs to turn in her book report in the form of a cereal box. She did cute! She cut out the front and has a picture in the inside of the box to represent the book and the written information on the back. Smart girl, that one!
Joey, on the other hand, has a very interesting project. In his math class he was given "15,000" from an uncle, Joey being his favorite nephew, to spend on stuff. The remaining money going to his brothers and sisters. So my little man decides he wants to buy a coffin. He has always wanted to sleep in one ( his eternal slumber doesn't count. Apparently you need to appreciate a casket while you are alive! Obviously I missed that life lesson!) He not only buys one but two! You know, gotta have one for his friend when they decide to spend the night. He then buys a mini fridge, a purple one at that, because he doesn't want to leave his room. He did get a dresser. I am proud! (...Just found out its to hold his 50" TV as well as his clothes...) And a vending machine! You know he needs to make money off himself apparently!
Oh no! I missed the treadmill so he can burn off all those calories from the fridge and the vending machine! ...And the skeet ball machine!!! I love my son!
The rest of the money was spent on Minecraft stuff! A desk, A computer, a camera, and other nonsensical items for becoming a Minecraft addict. He did get some curtains, though, to keep all the light out. (looks like he is never leaving the room! I am surprised he didn't spend money on a porta potty!) And the total bill came to 15,000, which leaves nothing for his brothers and sisters!!! Ain't he a sweetie?
Can I just say he really needs to go to camp this summer?

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