Tuesday, September 29, 2015

New pets

What do you do when your sons have watched too much Dooms Day Preppers (besides throw away the TV?) You buy a bunch of chickens!

And those chicks become chickens, which lay eggs. They may not be golden, but they are cute and eggs can be expensive.

So far, so good. We have only lost four. Three died and one went for a walk. Whether it went on it's own or had a little help, we will never know. There has been so sign of her for about a week now, including extra feathers lying about the yard, thank goodness!And the others are getting big and will soon be jumping out of their box and they might get lost too, in the other happier, oooh there is one under my bed and making a mess kind of way. We keep moving them inside because the evenings are still cold for our furry almost feathery friends. And they are obviously not potty trained so they don't smell that great either. And they will probably be nice chickens if they spend a lot of time outside because Joey really loves to hold them!

We are keeping our fingers crossed on this whole adventure! If not, it only cost $50. And it has been kind of fun, minus the loosing of the small little thing.

 Ashley has really came out as a mother hen in this whole experience. They love her and she has kind of taken them under her wing, so to speak. Britt looks at them and walks by. Yeah, poor thing is allergic to eggs and we are not going to try the actual chicks yet.

 They are stinky little things and the best part about this little experiment is that it is not mine!! So that means no cleaning.... Yeah, we will see how long that lasts.

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