Monday, June 8, 2015

Joey and Jump Start.

Joey is taking advantage of Jump Start at Taylor this summer. I figured it would be a great idea for the two of them to officially meet before school officially started in the fall. Joey needed to get the feel for Taylor and Taylor needed to know what they were getting themselves into with Joey!

He rode the bus to school. Yes, I drove him to the bus stop and waited until he got on the bus. I told him the bus stop number and that first day, when the bus approached and kids started getting on, He started running back towards the parked van! I yelled at him to get on the bus! He said the number didn't match. I yelled that I didn't care and to just get on the bus! Finally after the third time of yelling at my knuckle-head, he turned around and ran to the bus just in time to jump on board. I love that kid but goodness me!
He got home a little before one and I could not wait to see what had happened. The school never called so I could only assume he did not get lost, get beat up, or that they had enough of his incessant talking and decided they really didn't want him after all. He came in, dropped off his back pack, and said only one phrase. "I hate stairs!"
This school is going to wear him out! He is going to come home and actually be somewhat quiet this year after school!!! A Miracle!! We have less than a week left and then he will be done. I think for the most part he has enjoyed it. That and the free breakfast and lunch comes in handy too! He says all of his friends are teachers but I did see a big guy take him under his wings one day at lunch. I thought that was kind of cool. (We were there for auditions for band, which went ok.)

August is going to be a fun month!!!

Sorry Tami, I did not take any pictures. He refused to take a picture at the bus stop.  I think it had something to do with him being the shortest kid there and his mommy following him with a camera telling him to smile while all the other junior high kids who have to take summer school are looking on. I figured I would save him his man card for the summer. (oh, I did get one of his audition! It was on a Monday and I sent it to Idaho!) But I promise I will get some! :)

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