Thursday, May 14, 2015

Last minute madness

6th grade science projects - always my favorite! Trying to get creative and educational at the same time so you win is really stressful! And for me too! For instance, we had this great idea where you take potatoes and put them in different circumstances and see which area the roots grow the fastest. I thought it was a great idea! We bought the potatoes, found the spots we decided on, placed them, and then promptly went on with life, knowing we needed to check them out at the end of the week.
The week passed.
Guess what? No roots. Not a one! I was telling someone about it and it turns out the potatoes you buy at the store are pretreated to not sprout.
I wasted the whole week on a science project that was doomed to fail
Excuse me, Joey and I worked on a science project that was doomed to fail!

I talked with Mrs. Grant and she recommended talking it over with Mrs. Muller and we came up with a new one that could be done in one day, on Monday! We were taking balloons and rubbing them against Joey's hair for 10 seconds and then seeing how long they stick to the wall. (Joey is a shaggy dog wanna be right now so he really had the hair!)

I was planning on putting the whole thing together on Thursday since we had way too many concerts coming up. But Joey said it was due Thursday morning. That meant I had to get it all done Wednesday, the same day as Mesa's band concert.
Oh, boy!
I had no free time at all! But, after the little ones were done with school Joey and I headed over to Mesa to do my thing. I brought him along to tempt him with a drum to get his homework done. It mostly worked. He got his homework done, it just took forever. Then I had him write up his project results. He got bored so Dad picked him up.

I didn't get home until 10:15 pm and we went straight to work on the project. I send him to bed finally at about 11 pm. I worked a little longer and then dragged myself to bed, only to wake up at 3 am to finish it up. Joey was up at 5 am and we managed to have it finished barely in time for him to go to school for the infamous band breakfast they serve every year.
It looks great, kinda girly, but hey, next time he can pull out his man card and make it cooler, when mom is not helping him.
And now I am really tired. But I can't stop because I have even more things I have to fix at school. ... Anyone seen the Booster check book?  Yep, it is going to be one of those days!!!
Here is Joey's project.

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