Mothers Day! Awesome, wonderful!
I received a lot of flowers. Paper ones, ones with fuzzy pipe cleaner bugs attached to it, and sweet pink ones with messages written on them. I was even given a pot of lilies that I immediately felt sorry for because I give them two weeks in my custody until their dead leaves and stems will be lining my recycled bin. (Unless Mackenzie rescues those poor little things)
But my favorite was talking to my Ash!
But just to make David mad, I gotta go back a few days. Britt has to work on Mother's day. Everyone did. So as soon as I found this out, I called the mission home. Yeah, I was so good! I could have called her phone number since I gave it Peggy earlier that month, but I went the proper channels and called them first. (Oh, course, this scared my Ash out of her mind because they only call her in emergencies, lol! Oh, well. I think she forgives me!)
Oh, yeah, I called the mission home. I said who I was and then the Sister immediately said how much they love Sister Clawson and she comes in a lot to visit in the mission office. . Well, that was the catalyst!
I started crying. I said I needed to change time to talk to her. And I am crying even more. She said not to worry about it she would call Sis Clawson and make arrangements and them get back to me. And then asked if I was ok. I could only say that I just missed my girl. She ended the conversation saying how impressed they were with her and how much they loved her.
Yep, that made me stop crying right away!!!
When Sunday came, Cortney had to work at 5 pm so she would have missed both times and I was so bummed. Ash was too. It wasn't the same without her!
And everything was running smoothly, we only had 45 minutes, and then Joey got up to talk. He couldn't and the two of them cried for a bit.
I told them there wasn't enough time to cry and it wasn't allowed! That seemed to move things along.
It was a great visit! Travis promised her he would write, I told her not to hold her breath, Zach talked about a few new girls he liked, and Mackenzie sang her another song she wrote! All good stuff!!!
Tami and Jim, Josh, Angela and Emily all got to talk too. And even my mom. And, of course, they both cried too!
The very last 10 minutes had arrived and Britt had not shown up yet. Things were behind at work and it was busy. But, just like prayers are answered in the knick of time, Britt came bounding in the door and we all screamed! And in she brought a flower for Tami, my mother, and I. And she left Ashley in tears! The good kind, of course!
And then we had to say goodbye, but we were reminded by my sassy little sweetheart that it would only be for 90 days. And then we get her back!
It was a beautiful day with a wonderful promise at the end.
90 more days....
(There David, lots of words!... your're welcome!)