I got a call from the teacher yesterday. It was Franklin. You can tell by looking at the numbers, or maybe they call me enough that I just know. And, of course the first thing that pops into my head is, 'Oh.no. (sigh) What did he do now?" And I answered the phone.
It was Mrs. Muller, Joey's teacher.
I knew it!
We did the phone pleasantries and she automatically picked up on my cautious greetings - yep, she has heard it before (last week, in fact!), and immediately her voice changed and she said. "no, it's a good thing!"
Well, no other five words have changed my perspective faster than those few! She started to tell me all about his oral country report and how AWESOME he did! He had a real kangaroo skin, which the other children adored, he passed around the most disgusting food spread and dared the kids to smell it (Vegamite! Can't buy it in America. If you want a taste, let me know! I have had this same container for two years and it is never going to get used and I don't think it ever goes bad!)
The best part, though, was when he broke out in an accent as he was talking about the wombat (He even had a toy stuffed one!) Steve Irwin couldn't have been prouder!!! Apparently, Mrs. Muller recorded it on her phone to show the Principal, who, of course, knows Joey well. Hopefully, some day I will get a copy too!
You see! Travis' mission came in handy after all! (okay, his souvenirs did, LOL!) That and the fact he got me out of it as well.
I am so proud of my kid!!!
But don't you worry, his progress report came home and he got an F on history. (Looks like history teacher Zach to the rescue, LOL) My little man hasn't really changed, but he did get a taste of success and hopefully it will make an impact! (I pray for it every day!)
He should give his country report after Sunday dinner, minus the Vegamite!!!