Monday, November 24, 2014

Weekend Fun!!!

What a weekend! First, congrats to Brittany for a wonderful concert!!! Euporia performed last night and the dance classes got to participate. I thought her dances were the best, although I was told not to come because they were embarrassing. Hah! Not so! She was so cute! (not sexy, but I think that was her problem, lol!)

She asked me to record Tarod's number and so I did!

He had to wear a Mountain View Letterman's jacket so it did not stay on very long, lol!

All in all, I was very proud of my kid and I look forward to seeing next year's dance, as long as there is not vampire number.  That one was kind of weird!!!

Saturday morning started early with getting Britt, Zach, and Joey off to Youth Leadership traininfg first thing in the morning at the seminary building. Joey was worried he couldn't go because of the fall festival. But he did and it was good for him, although I am not sure how good for the leaders. I heard he raised his hand each time, and had a comment every other minute. Ah, the enthusiasm of youth!!!

Mackenzie had primary practice for the program on Sunday. Cannot wait! Our ward is the last one this year!!! and we are done!

We made it to the fall festival just in time for Joey's concert! Mr. Higgins did a great job! The music was awesome and Joey was able to do the cymbals, the triangle, the base drum, and even the snare!!! He was so proud!!!
He wanted two songs up so Ashley could choose which she liked best (please choose one! You know your little bro! There will be no living with him if you don't! )

I had to pick up Britt and then head over to decorate for the banquet. Wow! Those chairs are heavy!

 The program was very nice if not a lot long but that is expected every year. We gotta figure out how to make it a little (no, a lot) shorter. Zach got a letter in guard and I am proud of what he has accomplished this year! I was not sure this year would work for him but he did awesome!!!

They gave me candy, flowers, and a card and I was embarrassed and very appreciative. I think this experience as President has been good for me by allowing me the courage to talk to people in front of a microphone as well as talk to people whom I normally shy away from. And I have grown to appreciate Mr. Brooks as well as Dr Quamo a lot more. My band teacher years ago did what was required to because marching band was not his thing. These guys put so much of themselves into this program and you can tell by the quality and the loyalty from the students. That is above and beyond and I am appreciative of it. 
And the boosters! They are amazing! So much help and time is put into this program! Hours and hours as well as money, and I have developed wonderful friends and I am maybe even a little closer to my sister and I am so grateful for that!

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