Sunday, June 8, 2014

Busy Summer

I was asked this week if my kids were bored with summer yet.
Normally I would say yes but Summer school is keeping us so busy!
Zach failed a class his first semester and has to make it up so he is enjoying his first experience with summer school! 7:30 to noon Monday through Friday for three weeks!  Every day equals a weeks worth of learning! It's a pretty smart idea if it weren't so expensive!
Mackenzie and Joey are taking summer orchestra/band. (you can't call it summer school or you get into trouble!) And, of course, it is not the same time. No, there is an hour in between each of the classes and then we meet up with Zach for lunch at Westwood, where his classes are.
Normally they are at Mesa but there is too much construction going on and classes were moved to Westwood this year. But the cafeteria is pretty cool! Mackenzie has decided she wants to go to Westwood because the have a cool cafeteria.  I am pretty sure that will change as she gets older. If not, then the good old traditional rivalry between the schools might be brought to my own home. Gosh, I hope not!
In the meantime, Joey wants to say 'Mesa High is the Best' at lunch. I have to threaten his life a few times while we are there. Better me than someone else, right?
Rachel Romney eats lunch with us. She is taking a lot of classes so she can take a band class next year. She is an amazing young woman! I know she will go far!
So, back to that question. Are my kids bored yet?  Not quite. There is summer school in the morning, chores to do after school (or summer music. Sorry Kenzie!) and then swimming at the local pools, maybe. When it gets to the point where they are driving me crazy!
Now, July will be a whole different story!

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