Wednesday, March 5, 2025


On December 9th of 2023 I got to go to Denver to watch Ashley's kiddos while they went to Vegas to go to Carrie Underwood concert. They needed the break by themselves. We had a lot of fun but I am definitely the Grandma and they know it! It was snowy some days and we managed to get through the whole thing but we so excited when mom and dad were back. 

After Christmas the family had their share of getting sick but for some reason Corban wasn't keeping anything down so Ashley took him into the urgent care. They found a lump in his stomach and sent him to the children's hospital in Denver, Ashley's worst fear was confirmed: Corban had cancer. Burkitt's Lymphoma, a blood cancer, and it was progressing fast. They left him in the hospital so he could start chemo as soon as possible to dissolve the tumor that had formed in his stomach. My heart broke because I couldn't be there to help. I had just returned a month ago and I couldn't take any more time off at that moment. Travis, though, was actually scheduled to go over for a weekend but that was moved to 10 days. 

Corban spent three weeks in the hospital as they watched the tumor disappear and the doctor's make a plan for him. Ashley and Joseph took turns at the hospital and Travis, Scott and Julie all went up to help. I wanted to go so badly. There is so much more to the story but it is Ashley's to tell. I will mention a tender mercy, though. Ashley was pregnant with #4, her last, and when Corban got cancer she had just started her 2nd trimester. This allowed her to go with him to the hospital. If it had been in her 1st trimester, she couldn't have been allowed to be with him. 

They were moving to Ft Worth in February. I was so grateful that they were going there because David and his family are there and I knew Ashley wouldn't be alone. I can't tell you how much peace that brought me. Another tender mercy.

I was scheduled to go in February the same week they moved in and help however I could. Ashley and Joseph decided that she and Corban would fly into Ft Worth because of his treatment plan. He was scheduled to get out of the hospital after Joseph and the kiddos left Denver. They had a lot of fun staying at the Ronald McDonald house and being treated very well. That is what they do and I am so grateful for that! They make the kids feel so special as they go through their treatments.

Caroline picked me up at the airport but as I put my phone out of airplane mode, Cortney sent me a text saying she had CoVid and I needed to check. I cried all the way to the CVS because I so wanted to see my little family. It's funny how cancer affects so many people and I just love that little guy so much! 

I had CoVid. I was scheduling a plane trip home when I asked David and Caroline if I could stay in their extra room for 5 days, the period until it is not contagious anymore. They both agreed! I love them so much and am so grateful they allowed me to stay! Saturday David took me shopping with him and his granddaughter Sofia. It was so nice to spend time with him and that sweet girl! He didn't care if I was contagious or not. That's David for you!  He also let me borrow his truck and I got to go sit outside the glass door and see my sweet littles! A tender mercy.

The day came and they let me come over! I tested negative and I had to wear a mask but what a relief it was to finally be there and see those wonderful children! I was only able to stay a few days but that is okay! 

He is in remission and doing very well. His hair grew back darker and curly. Ashley says it is cancer hair and it will most likely go away eventually. But it is so soft. He made it! 

But I got to tell you another amazing thing that happened. Ashley and Joseph were being pulled in so many different directions. She had this idea of getting a nanny who could come in for a few months and stay with Olivia and Tucker while Ashley was at the hospital and Joseph was working. She called and asked if I had any ideas. Mackenzie was in the middle of her first year of college and I knew she couldn't do it . I prayed for ideas of who could help. And a face came to mind,. It was Chyrisse's second daughter, Rachel. I knew she had graduated from high school and I wasn't sure what she was up to. I felt inspired to call Chyrisse and ask. She wasn't doing anything. I cried when I heard and asked if maybe she would be interested in doing the job. Chyrisse said she would get back to me. And Rachel said she would! I called Ashley and they set everything up! It was wonderful! I am so grateful it worked out! Another tender mercy. 

I learned through this experience that God does not change the trial but He definitely places things in the path that make it bearable. He is aware of our needs and His light will find a way to shine.  I felt his tender mercies all throughout these dark months. And my love for that little tyke is so great and I hope he continues to stay healthy.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

 I am going to school. Crazy, I know! I am doing Pathway worldwide and I am taking a family history class. One of the assignments is to keep a journal and I think I am going to pick this up again after 11 years! Crazy, huh? Here it goes!

I am going to do a recap of last year. I think it is probably a good idea considering it was one of the worst years of my life. I went with my sisters to see my dad who was not doing well in November . They didn't wxpect him to come out of it. We decided to put him on comfort care, where they take the meds away except for those that bring comfort. He agreed. He has wanted to be with my mom for so long. He missed her so much. I was lucky enough to spend the night with him just to make sure he was ok. I don't know why, maybe t was my training or I wanted to be of some help. He didn't want much help from me so it was my last chance to do something. It was nice but I didn't get a lot of sleep.

In the morning the sisters came. A bedbath was scheduled and I wanted to help so I stayed when the girls left. He was in a lot of pain and I knew the end was near so I cancelled it and let him rest.   A little after that I got a call from Travis. He was histarically crying, telling me he was sorry. He was sorry. My heart dropped into my stomach and I told him to calm down,expecting the worst. He told me the house was on fire. I asked about the littles. They had all gotten out and were safe. I could hear fire trucks in the background. I told him to go and I would call him back. Then I called Ashley and asked if she could make sure he was okay. And there I was,by myself wih my dad, going in shock. I couldn't say anything to him because I figured he would hear and I didn't want him to stick around for me. I wanted him to go Home to mom. I sent an SOS out to my family and the girls came. Tami scheduled two plane tickets home for me and her. I felt so bad that she wouldn't be with dad when he passed but I did need help getting home, I can see that now. I missed my mom's passing and I really wanted to be there for his. I have yest to be in the room when someone goes Home and I really want to see what that is like. But home I went, not sure what to expect. Britt called me and I wept when I heard the littles. They were ok! Such a blessing! 

We got to Phoenix, I don't remember much about it. I do remember Jim picked us up and took us straight to my house. Everthing looked normal excdept for the garage door was cut up. Trav was at the Myer's house who have been so wonderful through this whole thing. The fire started in the garage bedroom we adapted for Cortney. Everything in her room was gone, the laundry room looked so bad, the ceilings were all pulled down and the fired spread into the rafters and it was so bad. The smoke and water had done it's damage. The house was a total loss, but the sad part is we could see things. It smelled terribly. I didn't know what do to now. We got a hotel in Phoenix, the kind you can rent by the hour, and we all went there that night. Ashley flew in to be with us. We had the whole family there and all I could think about was how wonderful it was that we were ALL there and I thanked my Heavenly Father that it wasn't worse than it was. 

I got the text at 5 am the next morning that my dad had passed away. I wasn't there. I should have been I know I wa where I was supposed to be but I wish I could hv been there too. I wish I could have flet when he joined my mom. 

We went back to the house because we were going to spend the day drying out pictures so we cud scan them. I remember doing this for Sis Robie when her house burned down. When we got there, our wards had heart attacked our yard leaving messages of love and support. My favorite one was this too shall pass. And, fast-forwarding to now, it has passed for the most part and my heart is still tender to everything that happened. And those sweet messages were so appreciated and loved!

We had a sweet couple from our ward to let us stay in their air-BNBs for ten days while we dealt with the funeral up in Salt Lake. Kris Taylor came and brought presents for the littles. Ashley came too. She didn't spend much time with us but it was so good to see her and her family. 

We found a house on Ivyglen to stay in while the fixed my house. It is 4200 SQ feet with a playroom that had a tube slide that looked like an elephant. The littles loved it! We all had wonderful memories of our crazy time in the elephant house.